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Résztvevőket keresünk a portugál “ANTYGONE on Tour” ifjúsági csereprogramra

Az Ars Omnis Kulturális Egyesület partnerországként résztvevőket delegál a portugál, Portalegre városában megrendezésre kerülő “ANTYGONE on Tour” ifjúsági csereprogramra. A program az Erasmus+ keretein belül valósul meg, és olyan fiatalok vehetnek részt rajta, akik érdeklődnek a színház, a hasonló csereprogramok és az európai identitástudat iránt és szívesen hoznának létre a többi partnerország résztvevőivel együttműködve egy közös produkciót. További feltétel, hogy a minden résztvevő társalgási szinten beszéljen angolul.

A program helyszíne: Portalegre, Portugália

A program időpontja: 2016.12.12 – 2016.12.21.

A program résztvevői 18-30 év közötti fiatalok lehetnek. Nyelvvizsga bizonyítvány nem szükséges, tényleges aktív angol nyelvtudást várunk.

A résztvevők szállását és étkezését a fogadó ország biztosítja. Az útiköltség egy részét utófinanszírozással fizetik ki a résztvevőknek. Ennek részleteit hamarosan pontosítjuk.

Jelentkezéseket 2015. NOVEMBER 20. éjfélig várjuk rövid bemutatkozással és motivációs levéllel az alábbi e-mail címre:



Bővebb információ:


The “ANTYGONE on Tour” is a European mobility project. It is a follow-up of an older project and foresees two Youth Exchanges, in Portalegre, Portugal and in Athens, Greece respectively. The “ANTYGONE on Tour” project puts forward an artistic and non-formal approach to an eminent European problem – the successful integration and inclusion of the incoming migrants through the introduction and adoption of culture of tolerance and peaceful co-existence. Through the implementation of the “ANTYGONE on Tour” partner organizations and participants will develop a model to cultivate sensibility and responsibility towards the issues of the integration and social inclusion of migrants and migrant youth and the defense of the rights of non-European citizens. We aim at using theatre, studying Sophocles’ “Antigone” as a way to introduce human rights and to discuss how they are connected to youth issues nowadays in the context of the refugee crisis.

“ANTYGONE on Tour” has the following objectives:

-Strengthening youngsters’ participatory attitude and competences, while exploring intercultural relations and new socio-political perspectives;

-Promoting intercultural dialogue through non-formal education to the benefit of young people’s wellbeing and future mobility and career perspectives;

-Promoting the culture of tolerance and non-violence;

-Stimulating youth organisations’ openness and, ultimately, youth work in Europe through capacity building in the field of mediation and communication;

– Acquisition of new skills by participants with the aim of using and spreading them further.

The project involves 10 organisations from 10 Partner countries(Portugal, Greece, Spain, Belgium, France, Romania, Italy, Austria, Hungary and Slovakia), 100 participants altogether, each partner selecting 2 teams of 5 members, and the target groups being youngsters from urban, rural and other disadvantaged areas, as underdeveloped suburbs, and professional actors with various backgrounds, experience and knowledge. The 2 youth exchanges will follow similar methodology based on the use and study of classical ancient drama as a tool for identification of problems and discovering space for solidarity and reflection on contemporary European problems. Starting from Sophocle’s Antigone, participants will be introduced to various theatre and improvisation techniques, body movements and a series of non-formal learning activities, in order to get acquainted with the culture of tolerance and non-discrimination. All the activities will be based on the principles of non-formal learning and will contribute in reaching the objectives of each youth exchange and the overall objectives of the project in a participatory and creative way. The daily programme of the 2 Youth Exchanges envisages learning outcomes based on the 8 Key competences and on three complementary levels:

1) new knowledge,

2) development of soft and transversal skills, as problem solving, creative thinking and communication; and

3) adoption of cooperative and participatory attitudes.

The 10 participating organisations will benefit from the enhanced cooperation within the partnership. As the “ANTYGONE on Tour” is a follow up project itself, we hope that it will inspire participants and organisations to keep on the study of ancient drama and to create new project ideas that will serve as basis for future development and strengthening of relations and cooperation. As the ANTYGONE partnership comes from 10 different countries across Europe, we aspire to create an impact on all levels, local, European and further, either by the coordinator of the project, by the partners or the partnership.

The desired impact is dual:

1) multiplying the benefits of cooperation as a life-time attitude and

2) disseminating the opportunities for learning mobility and further education offered by the Erasmus+ programme.

The active exchange of practices in the field of youth work by all partners can produce an impact through the strengthening of the international dimension of youth work and elevating it into a more structured European practice. In line and in addition to the said above, all promotion materials either in soft or hard copy will bear the EU emblem, thus adding a symbolic impact to the outcomes of the project.