Jelentkezz az “EUROPE, CREATIVE PLACE” spanyolországi ifjúsági csereprogramra!

Az Erasmus+ keretein belül megvalósuló “EUROPE, CREATIVE PLACE” ifjúsági csereprogramra keresünk résztvevőket. Az Ars Omnis Kulturális Egyesület partnerszervezetként fiatalokat delegál a SPANYOL, Vilafranca del Penedés városában megrendezésre kerülő programra.

Olyan fiatalok jelentkezését várjuk, akik érdeklődnek a tánc és az audiovizuális művészetek iránt, akiket motivál a nemzetek közti párbeszéd, akiben van társadalmi felelősség- és európai identitástudat, valamint nyitottak a különböző kultúrákra. A projekt fókuszában a katalán kultúra áll.

A jelentkezés feltétele a társalgási szintű angoltudás! Nyelvvizsga nem szükséges, de valós, aktív, gyakorlati nyelvtudást várunk.

A program helyszíne: Vilafranca del Penedés, Spanyol ország

A program időpontja: 2017. április 10. – 18.

A program résztvevői 18-30 év közötti fiatalok lehetnek. A résztvevők szállását és étkezését a fogadó ország biztosítja. Az útiköltséget 170 euróig, utófinanszírozással fizetik ki a résztvevőknek.

Jelentkezéseket 2017. FEBRUÁR 24. éjfélig várjuk rövid bemutatkozással és motivációs levéllel az alábbi e-mail címre:

Bővebb információ:

This Project offers the opportunity for young people to put in common the different artistic expressions that each of their countries have at local and national level. It emphasizes the concept of European Spirit, giving importance to the whole group of expressions of popular culture with a positive value of multiculturality in Europe.

It allows participants to live and experiment in first person the cultural aspects throughout debates and activities that are previously design by the partner organizations. The youngsters will have a perception of Europe, as a big stage of diverse cultures that coexists and represent the core of peaceful, intercultural and unite place.

This project comes out of the motivation of a group of Young boys and girls that, after a first experience on international mobility, the contact with youngsters from other countries and their own interest in cultural diversity.

From this idea it comes out a cultural project that gives priority to youth with fewer opportunities and with interests in dance and audiovisual arts. There is a strong believe that Eramus+ is a really useful tool to offer opportunities to young people. The city hall of Vilafranca del Penedès gives the facilities to planify projects, licenses and work spaces, where the activities will be developed. The Espirall district have in this moment, a very important role. It is a place of encounter of citizens with different cultural background with certain social constrains that makes it a perfect place to connect the different objectives of this project and make a viable project.


  1. To know the different cultural signs of each of the participants, extrapolating them to a personal level.
  2. To perceive the multicultural approach as an element of personal richness and social cohesion between cultures.
  3. To understand the European community as a big space of living together, dialogue and mutual respect.


– To create knowledge among cultural expressions that are meaningful to each of the countries and regions.

– To promote the sensitivity and respect towards each of the region’s identity.

– To promote a positive approach to different cultures.

– To understand the common points of the different cultures as universal heritage.

– To understand the cultural diversity as a part of the European mission and vision.

– To promote the creation of a space of learning of dance and audiovisual arts.

– To favour the inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities through dance.

– To propose new initiatives that can multiply the project and its principal themes.

This is why, this project is related with all the objectives and priorities stablished in the Erasmus+ projects because it focuses on the promotion of respect of different cultures and to understand the European identity as whole that include them all.

The participants will be youth between 18 and 30 years old, considering the social and professional responsibility of this age group. The same way, the project is very much focused on Catalan popular culture, dance and audiovisual arts and this is why the selection of participants will be done according to their connection and interest with this disciplines.

In order to achieve all the objectives there will be activities, debates, workshops and talks with the participation of not only the young boys and girls of the exchange but also of different professionals that will support participants and assure their involvement and full commitment during the activity.

All the activities are design to facilitate tools and resources to gain positive perspectives of intercultural dialogue as a value of the European Union citizenship. It promotes the artistic discipline as dancing and audiovisual that are powerful tools to express and underline the importance of a peaceful society. In this sense, all the activities are directed to improve competences, abilities and attitudes of participants.

One of the main objectives of this youth Exchange is to give visibility to the popular culture of Catalonia and Europe, to create a rich debate and promote the acquaintances of abilities and knowledge in this sense. It offers as well, a strong visibility to the Eramus+ project in the town of Vilafranca del Penedès.

With transversal objective, the audiovisual materials and results will be shared and disseminate through social networks, the partner’s webpages and the local institutions channels of communication. The participants themselves, will have an active role on disseminating the Erasmus+ project in their local communities.